大运电子磁铁回收公司X从事变压器(火牛)、电感、滤波器、拆解和粉碎,我司X回收报废或库存电子变压器(火牛)、电感、虑器波原材料以再利用。回收原材料品种包括:磁芯,磁环,破碎磁芯磁环,骨架,胶带,挡墙,套管,凡立水,铜线铜箔,矽钢片,电子线,胶芯IC等等。进行粉碎取铜线.我司面向香港、东莞、深圳、苏州、昆山、上海、吴江、无锡、惠洲、中山、珠海、广州、佛山等整个珠三角地区、和三角和香港地区X回收。各厂家直接卖货给做深加工的我司,可以减少流通环节,降低流通费用,自已也卖个好价格.本公司以”以诚合作、以信经营、X势互补、价格X“为宗旨,寻求与各同行和厂家合作.收货范围:1.变压器同边(报废或库存高低频电子变压器,铁芯,胶纸,骨架),此项目前在我国有X势,价格高.全国包括香港,我公司可以派专员上门看货定价,可同回收公司和厂方长期合作收购和承包.热忱欢迎各同行和企事业单位来电垂询13699885393 陈先生QQ1480906008
All manufacturers sell goods directly to our company for further processing, which can reduce the circulation link and reduce the circulation cost, and sell a good price for ourselves. Our company seeks to cooperate with peers and manufacturers with the tenet of "sincere cooperation, credit management, complementary advantages and excellent price". Receiving scope: 1. The same side of transformer (scrap or inventory of high and low frequency electronic transformer, iron core, adhesive paper, skeleton), which Before the project, our company has advantages of high price in our country. Our company can send specialists to visit our country and Hong Kong for pricing. We can cooperate with recycling companies and manufacturers for long-term acquisition and contracting. Warmly welcome all peers, enterprises and institutions to contact Mr. Chen qq1480906008