二, 接力输送:泥浆泵的介质输送是通过X输泥软管送达区域。但有时无法达到这个功能,就得通过几台泥浆泵的接力输送来完成。生产实践中15kw的泥浆泵每500m设置接力较宜,22kw的泥浆泵每1000m设置接力较宜。
Is by injecting the form of shaft sealing water, and constantly inject a certain amount of divssure water into the filler, one to divvent the pump body slurry leakage: For the multi-stage series pump is not suitable for the use of the impeller shaft seal, the use of filler shaft seal. PACKING shaft SEAL structure is , easy to maintain, cheap. Second pay impeller seal, is through a reverse centrifugal force of the impeller forces, to divvent the slurry leakage. In the pump inlet positive divssure value is not greater than the pump outlet divssure value of 10% of the single-stage pump or multi-stage series pump of the first stage pump can be used to pay impeller shaft seal, pay impeller shaft seal has no need for shaft sealing water, do not dilute slurry, sealing effect is good and so on. Its a common seal. First filler seal Therefore, this kind of seal may be considered when dilution is not allowed in the slurry.
Is by injecting the form of shaft sealing water, and constantly inject a certain amount of divssure water into the filler, one to divvent the pump body slurry leakage: For the multi-stage series pump is not suitable for the use of the impeller shaft seal, the use of filler shaft seal. PACKING shaft SEAL structure is , easy to maintain, cheap. Second pay impeller seal, is through a reverse centrifugal force of the impeller forces, to divvent the slurry leakage. In the pump inlet positive divssure value is not greater than the pump outlet divssure value of 10% of the single-stage pump or multi-stage series pump of the first stage pump can be used to pay impeller shaft seal, pay impeller shaft seal has no need for shaft sealing water, do not dilute slurry, sealing effect is good and so on. Its a common seal. First filler seal Therefore, this kind of seal may be considered when dilution is not allowed in the slurry.
Steam pump must not attack "crash cylinder" appearance, metering pump scheng arrangements should be alive, in the case of conditions, should be in accordance with the rules of equipment technical documents "Flow---stroke curve" to re-school, metering pump and other leakage has special requirements of the pump, filler leakage should conform to the rules of equipment technical documents, UHV pumps shall be carried out in accordance with the rules of the technical documents of the equipment. Fully driven
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