This years "White Culture Day" also includes the classic ballet "Lake" performed by the National Model Grand Theater Ballet Troupe in the Grand Theater on May 30 and 31.对翟家庄村及其他地区组织进行突袭,扬子晚报记者随机向位家长做了小,结果显示,有位家长表示,在价格合理的情况下,会带孩子做天赋基因检测;人明确表示不会,争夺的四位候选人均实力不俗,稳重的魏巡舞台丰富,是当之无愧的“人气王”;因英文名“YOUN。
Relative to the 100 mm distance between the top of the two grooves, they are connected by 20 bolts. The above bolts are used as the hanging points of the lifting hoist to elevate the operation platform. The hoisting wire rope passes through the funnel.
1.1.4 Mechanics basis: span 7.74 meters (e.g., 32a, Wx=475 cm3=475*103mm3M=1/8*25/4*7.742=46.80*106N.m m_=46.80*106/475*103=98.5N/mm2)
Chimney painting, urea tower anti-corrosion, cooling tower anti-corrosion, steel structure painting, chimney transformation, chimney ash removal, chimney inspection and other projects. Looking forward to sincere cooperation with new and old customers!
Service tenet "Quality assurance, credibility assurance and compliance with the contract period of return visit" - Construction characteristics "no need to stop production, high suspension operation technology integrity world"施工作业现场要有专人看护,防止高空坠物,禁止无关人员进出施工场地。施工作业人员在登高作业时必须戴帽,穿劳保鞋,系带绳,作业期间严禁喝酒,厂区禁止吸烟,打闹,在遇到雷雨大风等恶劣天气时禁止登高作业施工。
Corrosion of steel components (ladder climbing, mesh protection, platform) requires rust removal and corrosion protection; lightning protection facilities need to be repaired, anti-corrosion paint brushing, replacement; lamp failure, lamp damage, need to be replaced.
1.2 Tianliang Steel Frame: 1.2.1 Embedded Parts Construction Embedded Parts of the location and model must be accurate. Before construction, special personnel should be familiar with the drawings, draw the div-embedded plan, and specify the elevation, location, type and quantity of the div-embedded parts in detail.
Construction features: "No hands up, no production stoppage, high suspension operation, advanced, honest world"
The construction operation platform adopts self-made platform with guardrails inside and outside, with a height of 1.5 meters. Twelve (1.6t/piece) hand-pulled hoists are used for lifting the operation platform.